The primary role of the Parish Council is to represent parishioners on issues affecting the community, to District, County and Central Government. It is a statutory consultee on a number of matters, including planning and therefore has the opportunity to make comments on behalf of the community.
The Parish Council owns, or has on long terms leases, and is responsible for the Rec, the Green, the Coppice, Homefield Park and Manor Park Field, the allotments on Gatehouse Lane and Glebe Way, and the cemetery. It also looks after the children’s playgrounds at the Rec, on the Green and on South Road.
It has a budget of almost £400K, covered by income from Council Tax, and the Rec and outstanding debts of about £300K. It has built up reserves over a number of years to meet the anticipated costs of a number of projects; to smooth funding requirements for equipment and facilities repair/replacement and to give a secure level of operating funds. These current total around £800K, but some of this comes from development (“S106 payments”) and is very limited in where/how it can be spent.
The Parish Council normally meets third Monday in the month, 7.30pm in the Community Room at the Recreation Ground.
Office is only open by appointment only.
All parishioners are welcome.