Back in November 2015, the Parish Council Highways Committee submitted an application under the County Council Local Highways Initiative scheme for improvements to the junction at Station Road/Water Lane (Baptist Church junction).
The project brief submitted outlined:
- Reduction in junction splay to slow down traffic
- Improvement to uncontrolled crossing
- Build out of kerbs reducing crossing widths
- Marked bus stop
- Designated parking areas
- Replacement of concrete pillars with a more sympathetic alternative
- Improve vista of area
In August 2016, the Highways Committee was thrilled to find out the bid was successful. Since then, members have been working closely with County Officers finalising the scheme. Click here to view the plan to date, landscaping and kerbing aspects shown maybe subject to change.
To facilitate these improvements, the road will be closed from Monday 14th to Friday 25th August (click here to view details). Access to properties will be maintained during these times.
Updates will be posted as received, so keep an eye out over the next few weeks!
If you wish to know more, please email