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Mobile Library Service

We have received the following update from Histon & Impington Library Friends:

Histon Library is currently closed for refurbishment and will open again in 2021. In the meantime, we’re delighted to confirm that a temporary mobile library will visit Histon regularly, starting on Monday 28th September. The mobile library will be parked outside Histon Baptist Church in Station Road, Histon, Cambridge CB24 9LN  and will visit on Mondays from 10am-2pm and Thursdays from 2-6pm.  Please note that access to the mobile library will be limited, to ensure that everyone is kept safe, but you will be able to return items and also collect books which you’ve ordered in advance.

You can pre-order books to collect using our usual reservation service at https://cambridgeshire.spydus.co.uk. When you place your order, please choose Histon as the library pick up point. Reservations are currently free of charge. We also have a new Select and Collect service, which allows you to request a collection of books based on your reading preferences. The titles will then be selected for you by library staff. Simply visit:  https://cambridgeshire-self.achieveservice.com/service/Select_and_Collect 

Please order your books as far in advance as possible to ensure that the selection is ready and issued for you to collect (ideally a week in advance, but we will do our best with forms received after this).

Reservations can also be placed by calling 0345 045 5225. If you have any queries please don’t hesitate to contact the team by emailing MobileLibraries@cambridgeshire.gov.uk.

Update your subscriptions, modify your password or email address, or stop subscriptions at any time on your Subscriber Preferences Page. You will need to use your email address to log in. If you have questions or problems with the subscription service, please visit subscriberhelp.govdelivery.com.

This service is provided to you at no charge by Cambridgeshire County Council.


March Full Council

Full Council was held on Monday 18 March, sadly once again with no residents present.

For draft minutes look here.   Items of note:

Summer Reading Challenge at Histon Library

We were delighted to once again support the reading challenge this summer with a donation of £400, being £200 towards this event and the remainder to help facilitate further support workers for young readers during the year

Feast Road Closure

The Council was also pleased to be able to fund the road closure required for the Feast Festival this year in the sum of £1,231 including VAT.   We all look forward to a great Festival with lots of stalls along the High Street and hope the weather is kind!

Crossing Keeper’s Hut Electricity

The Chairman mentioned in his monthly report how the planned project to install an electricity supply at the Hut in The Copse had been completed.  He thanked all those involved in the successful delivery of this very positive improvement for the area

The next scheduled meeting of Full Council will be held on Monday 20th May at the Recreation Community Room, New Road, Impington, being the Annual General Meeting.  Refreshments are available from 7 p.m.



Supermarket, shops and library site at School Hill/High Street Histon

The Parish Council has recently been briefed by the new owner of the site and can advise that:

  • The green space currently there will be kept and will be improved
  • There is a desire to improve the look of the area
  • It is planned for retail and library provision to be retained on the site
  • There will be no significant extension of the footprint
  • The intention is for 2 floors of residential development above the retail
  • The initial proposals we have seen are largely compliant with the emerging Neighbourhood Plan for Histon & Impington
  • Parking provision will be carefully considered

Any further updates will be published on this website


Children’s Centre Proposals – More Drop-In Sessions Added

We have just received the following from Cambridgeshire County Council:

More drop-in sessions added for parents to discuss children’s centre proposals

A series of drop-in events are continuing this month for parents to talk one to one about proposals to redesign Cambridgeshire’s Children’s Centre Services.

The wide ranging plans build on the current offer, offering support to families of all ages, from expectant parents to young adults.

The proposed new Children’s Centre services will be more flexible and tailored for each community, delivered in places they know or already use, and in doing so, the Council will make savings of £1 million.

Families can read more about the consultation here and share their views.

Cllr Simon Bywater, Chairman of the Children and Young People Committee, said: “We have a wide ranging set of proposals for child and family services and would encourage everyone to take part in our consultation. We need to make sure we get this right for communities and want to hear from local people. Please take a few minutes to answer the short survey or if you have any questions please come along to one of our drop-in sessions to find out more.”

More drop-in sessions have now been added for parents to talk to staff who will be on hand to answer questions about the proposed changes while help will be available for people who need support to complete the consultation. The events for South Cambridgeshire District will be held at:

Waterbeach Children’s Centre, Waterbeach Community Primary School, High Street, Waterbeach, CB25 9JU – 1pm-3pm – 15th August 2017

Bassingbourn Children’s Centre, Brook Road, Bassingbourn, Royston, SG8 5NP – 5pm-7pm – 16th August 2017

Bar Hill Children’s Centre, Community Primary School, Gladeside, Bar Hill, CB23 8DY – 5-7pm – 6th September 2017

Linton Children’s Centre, Cathodeon Centre, Linton, Cambridge, CB21 4JT – 5-7pm – 11th September 2017

Histon Children’s Centre, New School Road, Histon, CB24 9LL 5-7pm – 12th September 2017

Papworth Children’s Centre, Varrier Jones Drive, Papworth Everard, Cambridge, CB23 3XQ – 6.30pm-8pm – 13th September 2017

The proposals will also see Children’s Centres work more closely with parents and health professionals to provide a set of integrated services that seamlessly support communities. This service could include health visitors, midwifery and speech therapists.

The consultation ends on 22 September 2017. Hard copy versions of the consultation can be found at Children’s Centres and Libraries across the county.

Decisions relating to the final proposals for Children’s Centre Services will be taken by the Children and Young People Committee meets in the autumn.





Events at Histon Library

We have received the following from HistonImpington Library Friends:

We have two super events coming up at Histon Library, organised by Cambridgeshire Libraries and supported by HILF.

On Saturday 5th November from 10:30 to 11:45, author and illustrator Caroline Rabei will read from her book ‘Crunch’ and demonstrate how she draws Crunch the guinea pig. This free drop-in event is aimed at children over 3, accompanied by parents, and includes simple craft activities. Copies of ‘Crunch’ will be on sale at the event.

On Wednesday 7th December at 7:30, Librarian Theatre bring their touring production of ‘A Christmas Carol’ to Histon.  Their rapid retelling of the Dickens Classic is suitable for children 6 and over and a pre-Christmas treat for the whole family. Tickets £7/£4 are available from the library or the theatre company’s own website.  www.librariantheatre.com

Full details are on the attached posters. We would be delighted if you could help us to publicise these events. Please don’t hesitate to contact HILF, the friends’ group for Histon Library for further information.

We look forward to seeing you at a future event.



Writing about your life

A six week course at Histon Library

to get you started

Tuesdays, April 12th to May 17th 2016

10.30 am – 12.00 noon

This short course is planned to help you either start to write, or to pick up and continue what you have already begun. There is no need to have any writing experience, just a wish to capture your life and your family, but it helps to be someone who also enjoys and reads books.

Please book at Histon Library by April 8th, with a course fee of £10 payable on booking.  All proceeds to (our) library funds.

(The writers in the picture above are James Joyce, Leo Tolstoy and Virginia Woolf. Three of ’16 great writers snubbed by the Nobel Prize’. Click here to find out who the other 13 are.



HILF Monthly Book Sale

The Friends of Histon & Impington Library have another Booksale on Saturday 13th February from 10am – 12 noon.   Please go along to support the Friends in this fundraising event at the Library on School Hill. Sales will take place monthly, the second Saturday of every month thereafter through until April.

Donations of books, DVDs welcomed, please drop them off at the Library from the previous Friday, when the library is open 11am to 7pm

To find out more about their work, or to offer help email hisimplibraryfriends@gmail.com