In July, Histon and Impington Youth Committee asked for feedback from our young people and their parents to help develop a new range of youth activities in the villages. A set of 19 questions were answered on-line by 560 respondents of which 90% identified as a “young person” between the ages of 11 and 16. 85 of the young people who responded were willing to be contacted in the future. This is a terrific response and we acknowledge the support given to this by IVC.
The young people confirmed that there is strong support for activities such as:
- Graffiti Project
- First Aid
- Cooking
- Babysitting Training
- Environmental Activities
- Bike Maintenance
- Youth Council
- Youth Newspaper/Website
- Film/Media Project
- Circus skills
- Sports
They also identified other, more eclectic choices, including photography, engineering, dressmaking, debating, politics and sailing. Many asked for activities that are in fact already provided in some form within the villages.
The young people also identified subjects on which they would like more information and guidance. Many identified the need for a space to call their own: “But there doesn’t have to be activities all the time. The main thing is for there to be a safe place for young people to hang out, outside of school”
The youth committee will now be looking at:
- how to provide information so that young people can find activities already available in the villages
- how it can take forward some of these ideas for new activities working with other organisations within the villages.
A detailed breakdown by village and year group is available here
For more information please contact youth@hisimp.net