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Street Art Survey

As a part of its program to determine the best way to spend the money which it gets from developers to invest in ‘street art’ the Parish Council has been surveying local opinion. Click here for the details of the survey.

137 people responded to the survey and there was clear support for just a couple of the options presented. The Council’s working party on street art will now consider its outcome and recommend a route forward.


One comment on “Street Art Survey

  1. I would like The High Street, brightened up with permanent rigid metal flags attached to each new lamppost, (approx.12) from Windmill Hill, School Hill to along the High Street. Each organisation/ School/ Church/ Charity could have a display, but not Commercial ones. i.e.. IVC /WI/ BRITISH LEGION/ JUNIOR SCHOOL/ ST ANDREWS CHURCHES/ METHODIST CHURCH/ BAPTIST CHURCH/ SALVATION ARMY/ FRIENDS OF THE REC/ PARISH COUNCIL/ INFANTS SCHOOL. All would have their colourful emblem, with perhaps dates of their incorporation. This would be very pertinent as 2014 is the 100 year of the start of the first WI and 75 years anniversary of IVC. There may be others of course!

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